Class LibExtClassLoaderHelper


public class LibExtClassLoaderHelper extends Object

Helper to create a URL class-loader with the jars inside ${jetty.home}/lib/ext and ${jetty.home}/resources. In an ideal world, every library is an OSGi bundle that does loads nicely. To support standard jars or bundles that cannot be loaded in the current OSGi environment, we support inserting the jars in the usual jetty/lib/ext folders in the proper classpath for the webapps.

The drawback is that those jars will not be available in the OSGi classloader.

Alternatives to placing jars in lib/ext:

  1. Bundle the jars in an osgi bundle. Have the webapp(s) that need these jars depend on that bundle.
  2. Bundle those jars in an osgi bundle-fragment that targets the jetty-bootstrap bundle
  3. Use equinox Buddy-Policy: register a buddy of the jetty bootstrapper bundle. (Note: it will work only on equinox)