Package org.eclipse.jetty.osgi.boot
package org.eclipse.jetty.osgi.boot
ClassDescriptionAbstractContextProvider Base class for DeploymentManager Providers that can deploy ContextHandlers into Jetty that have been discovered via OSGI either as bundles or services.AbstractOSGiApp Base class representing info about a webapp/ContextHandler that is deployed into Jetty.AbstractWebAppProviderBundleContextProviderBundleProvider Jetty DeploymentManager Provider api for webapps or ContextHandlers that are discovered as osgi bundles.BundleWebAppProviderJettyBootstrapActivatorOSGiDeployer Extension of standard Jetty deployer that emits OSGi EventAdmin events whenever a webapp is deployed into OSGi via Jetty.OSGiWebInfConfiguration Handle adding resources found in bundle fragments, and add them into theOSGiServerConstants Name of the properties that configure a jetty Server OSGi service.OSGiUndeployer Extension of the Jetty Undeployer which emits OSGi EventAdmin events whenever a webapp is undeployed from Jetty.OSGiWebappConstants Constants (MANIFEST headers, service properties etc) associated with deploying webapps into OSGi via Jetty.OSGiWebInfConfiguration Handle adding resources found in bundle fragments, and add them into theServiceContextProvider Jetty DeploymentManager Provider that is able to deploy ContextHandlers discovered via OSGi as services.ServiceProvider Jetty DeploymentManager Provider api for webapps or ContextHandlers that are discovered as OSGi services.ServiceWebAppProvider