Class AfterContentTransformer

All Implemented Interfaces:
AsyncMiddleManServlet.ContentTransformer, Destroyable

public abstract class AfterContentTransformer extends Object implements AsyncMiddleManServlet.ContentTransformer, Destroyable

A specialized transformer for AsyncMiddleManServlet that performs the transformation when the whole content has been received.

The content is buffered in memory up to a configurable maximum size, after which it is overflown to a file on disk. The overflow file is saved in the overflow directory as a temporary file with a name starting with the input prefix and default suffix.

Application must implement the transformation method to transform the content.

The transformed content is buffered in memory up to a configurable maximum size after which it is overflown to a file on disk. The overflow file is saved in the overflow directory as a temporary file with a name starting with the getOutputFilePrefix() output prefix} and default suffix.