Package org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api
package org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api
Jetty WebSocket API
ClassDescriptionThe possible batch modes when enqueuing outgoing frames.Represents an Extension Configuration, as seen during the connection Handshake process.An immutable websocket frame.Session represents an active link of communications with a Remote WebSocket Endpoint.Connection suspend tokenThe HTTP Upgrade to WebSocket RequestThe HTTP Upgrade to WebSocket ResponseDefault implementation of the
.Behavior for how the WebSocket should operate.Core WebSocket Connection ListenerGeneric interface to the Container (server or client)WebSocket Frame Listener interface for incoming WebSocket frames.Basic WebSocket Listener interface for incoming WebSocket message events.WebSocket Partial Message Listener interface for incoming WebSocket TEXT/BINARY/CONTINUATION frames.WebSocket PING/PONG Listener interface for incoming WebSocket PING/PONG frames.Settings for WebSocket operations.Interface for Listeners that are interested in knowing about the Session history.Callback for Write events.Deprecated.