Class Parser

Direct Known Subclasses:
ClientParser, ServerParser

public abstract class Parser extends Object

The FastCGI protocol exchanges frames.

 struct frame {
     ubyte version;
     ubyte type;
     ushort requestId;
     ushort contentLength;
     ubyte paddingLength;
     ubyte reserved;
     ubyte[] content;
     ubyte[] padding;

Depending on the type, the content may have a different format, so there are specialized content parsers.

A typical exchange is:

 PARAMS (length > 0)
 PARAMS (length == 0 to signal end of PARAMS frames)
 [STDIN (length > 0 in case of request content)]
 STDIN (length == 0 to signal end of STDIN frames and end of request)
 STDOUT (length > 0 with HTTP headers and HTTP content)
 STDOUT (length == 0 to signal end of STDOUT frames)
 [STDERR (length > 0)]
 [STDERR (length == 0 to signal end of STDERR frames)]
See Also: