Class FastCGIProxyServlet

All Implemented Interfaces:
jakarta.servlet.Servlet, jakarta.servlet.ServletConfig, Serializable

public class FastCGIProxyServlet extends AsyncProxyServlet.Transparent
Specific implementation of AsyncProxyServlet.Transparent for FastCGI.

This servlet accepts an HTTP request and transforms it into a FastCGI request that is sent to the FastCGI server specified in the proxyTo init-param.

This servlet accepts these additional init-params:

  • scriptRoot, mandatory, that must be set to the directory where the application that must be served via FastCGI is installed and corresponds to the FastCGI DOCUMENT_ROOT parameter
  • scriptPattern, optional, defaults to (.+?\.php), that specifies a regular expression with at least 1 and at most 2 groups that specify respectively:
    • the FastCGI SCRIPT_NAME parameter
    • the FastCGI PATH_INFO parameter
  • fastCGI.HTTPS, optional, defaults to false, that specifies whether to force the FastCGI HTTPS parameter to the value on
  • fastCGI.envNames, optional, a comma separated list of environment variable names read via System.getenv(String) that are forwarded as FastCGI parameters.
  • unixDomainPath, optional, that specifies the Unix-Domain path the FastCGI server listens to.
See Also: