Package org.eclipse.jetty.maven.plugin

package org.eclipse.jetty.maven.plugin
Jetty Maven Plugin : Support for Jetty in Maven build lifecycle
  • Class
    AbstractForker Base class for forking jetty.
    Base class for all goals that operate on unassembled webapps.
    AbstractWebAppMojo Base class for common behaviour of jetty mojos.
    ConsoleReader Reads lines from the System console and supplies them to ConsoleReader.Listeners.
    Display help information on jetty-maven-plugin.
    Call mvn jetty:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
    Generate the effective web.xml for a pre-built webapp.
    JettyEmbedded Starts jetty within the current process.
    JettyForkedChild This is the class that is executed when the jetty maven plugin forks a process when DeploymentMode=FORKED.
    JettyForker Uses quickstart to generate a webapp and forks a process to run it.
    JettyHomeBaseForker Unpacks a jetty-home and configures it with a base that allows it to run an unassembled webapp.
    This goal is used in-situ on a Maven project without first requiring that the project is assembled into a war, saving time during the development cycle.
    This goal is used to assemble your webapp into a war and automatically deploy it to Jetty.
    This goal is similar to the jetty:run goal in that it it starts jetty on an unassembled webapp, EXCEPT that it is designed to be bound to an execution inside your pom.
    This goal is used to run Jetty with any pre-assembled war.
    This goal stops a running instance of jetty.
    MavenWebInfConfiguration WebInfConfiguration to take account of overlaid wars expressed as project dependencies and potential configured via the maven-war-plugin.
    MavenServerConnector As the ServerConnector class does not have a no-arg constructor, and moreover requires the server instance passed in to all its constructors, it cannot be referenced in the pom.xml.
    MavenWebAppContext Extends the WebAppContext to specialize for the maven environment.
    MavenWebInfConfiguration WebInfConfiguration to take account of overlaid wars expressed as project dependencies and potential configured via the maven-war-plugin.
    Overlay An Overlay represents overlay information derived from the maven-war-plugin.
    OverlayConfig The configuration of a war overlay in a pom.
    OverlayManager Mediates information about overlays configured in a war plugin.
    PluginLog Convenience class to provide access to the plugin Log for non-mojo classes.
    Run enough of jetty in order to generate a quickstart file for a webapp.
    ScanPattern Ant-style pattern of includes and excludes.
    ScanTargetPattern Utility class to provide the ability for the mvn jetty:run mojo to be able to specify filesets of extra files to regularly scan for changes in order to redeploy the webapp.
    SelectiveJarResource Selectively copies resources from a jar file based on includes/excludes.
    ServerConnectorListener This is for test support, where we need jetty to run on a random port, and we need a client to be able to find out which port was picked.
    ServerListener Listener to create a file that signals that the startup is completed.
    ServerSupport Helps configure the Server instance.
    WarPluginInfo Information about the maven-war-plugin contained in the pom
    WebAppPropertyConverter Converts a webapp's configuration to a properties file, and vice versa.