Class AbstractSessionCache

All Implemented Interfaces:
SessionCache, Container, Destroyable, Dumpable, Dumpable.DumpableContainer, LifeCycle
Direct Known Subclasses:
DefaultSessionCache, NullSessionCache

@ManagedObject public abstract class AbstractSessionCache extends ContainerLifeCycle implements SessionCache
AbstractSessionCache A base implementation of the SessionCache interface for managing a set of Session objects pertaining to a context in memory. This implementation ensures that multiple requests for the same session id always return the same Session object. It will delay writing out a session to the SessionDataStore until the last request exits the session. If the SessionDataStore supports passivation then the session passivation and activation listeners are called appropriately as the session is written. This implementation also supports evicting idle Session objects. An idle Session is one that is still valid, has not expired, but has not been accessed by a request for a configurable amount of time. An idle session will be first passivated before it is evicted from the cache.