Uses of Package

Packages that use org.eclipse.jetty.util.annotation
Jetty Client : Implementation and Core Classes This package provides APIs, utility classes and an implementation of an asynchronous HTTP client.
Jetty Deploy : Webapp Deploy Management
Jetty Deploy : JMX Integration
Jetty Deploy : Webapp Deployment Providers
Jetty IO : Core classes for Jetty IO subsystem
Jetty JMX : Integration for JMX in Jetty
Jetty NoSql : MongoDB Integration
Jetty Rewrite : Rewrite Handler and Rules for Jetty
Jetty Server : Core Server API
Jetty Server : Core Handler API
Jetty Server : Handler JMX Integration
Jetty Server : Server JMX Integration
Jetty Server : Session Management Implementations
Jetty Server : Modular Servlet Integration
Jetty Util : Common Utility Classes
Jetty Util : Jetty Lifecycle Management
Jetty Util : Common SSL Utility Classes
Jetty Util : Common ThreadPool Utilities
Jetty Util : Modular Web Application Support
Jetty WebSocket Common : Implementation [Internal Use Only]