Class JettyWebSocketServlet

All Implemented Interfaces:
jakarta.servlet.Servlet, jakarta.servlet.ServletConfig, Serializable

public abstract class JettyWebSocketServlet extends jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet
Abstract Servlet used to bridge the Servlet API to the WebSocket API.

To use this servlet, you will be required to register your websockets with the WebSocketMappings so that it can create your websockets under the appropriate conditions.

The most basic implementation would be as follows:

 package my.example;

 import JettyWebSocketServlet;
 import JettyWebSocketServletFactory;

 public class MyEchoServlet extends JettyWebSocketServlet
     public void configure(JettyWebSocketServletFactory factory)
       factory.addMapping(factory.parsePathSpec("/"), (req,res)->new EchoSocket());

Only request that conforms to a "WebSocket: Upgrade" handshake request will trigger the WebSocketMappings handling of creating WebSockets. All other requests are treated as normal servlet requests. The configuration defined by this servlet init parameters will be used as the customizer for any mappings created by JettyWebSocketServletFactory.addMapping(String, JettyWebSocketCreator) during configure(JettyWebSocketServletFactory) calls. The request upgrade may be peformed by this servlet, or is may be performed by a WebSocketUpgradeFilter instance that will share the same WebSocketMappings instance. If the filter is used, then the filter configuraton is used as the default configuration prior to this servlets configuration being applied.

Configuration / Init-Parameters:

set the time in ms that a websocket may be idle before closing
set the size in UTF-8 bytes that a websocket may be accept as a Text Message before closing
set the size in bytes that a websocket may be accept as a Binary Message before closing
set the size in bytes of the buffer used to read raw bytes from the network layer
set the size in bytes of the buffer used to write bytes to the network layer
The maximum frame size sent or received.
If true, frames are automatically fragmented to respect the maximum frame size.
See Also: