Class DeferredContentProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable, Iterable<ByteBuffer>, ContentProvider, AsyncContentProvider, Callback, Invocable

@Deprecated public class DeferredContentProvider extends Object implements AsyncContentProvider, Callback, Closeable
use AsyncRequestContent instead.
A ContentProvider that allows to add content after Request.send(Response.CompleteListener) has been called, therefore providing the request content at a later time.

DeferredContentProvider can only be used in conjunction with Request.send(Response.CompleteListener) (and not with its blocking counterpart Request.send()) because it provides content asynchronously.

The deferred content is provided once and then fully consumed. Invocations to the iterator() method after the first will return an "empty" iterator because the stream has been consumed on the first invocation. However, it is possible for subclasses to override offer(ByteBuffer) and close() to copy the content to another location (for example a file) and be able to support multiple invocations of of iterator() returning the iterator provided by this class on the first invocation, and an iterator on the bytes copied to the other location for subsequent invocations.

Typical usage of DeferredContentProvider is in asynchronous proxies, where HTTP headers arrive separately from HTTP content chunks.

The deferred content must be provided through offer(ByteBuffer), which can be invoked multiple times, and when all content has been provided it must be signaled with a call to close().

Example usage:

 HttpClient httpClient = ...;

 // Use try-with-resources to autoclose DeferredContentProvider
 try (DeferredContentProvider content = new DeferredContentProvider())
     httpClient.newRequest("localhost", 8080)
             .send(new Response.CompleteListener()
                 public void onComplete(Result result)
                     // Your logic here

     // At a later time...
     content.offer(ByteBuffer.wrap("some content".getBytes()));