Class WebAppContext

All Implemented Interfaces:
Handler, HandlerContainer, Attributes, ClassVisibilityChecker, Container, Destroyable, Dumpable, Dumpable.DumpableContainer, Graceful, LifeCycle, WebAppClassLoader.Context
Direct Known Subclasses:

@ManagedObject("Web Application ContextHandler") public class WebAppContext extends ServletContextHandler implements WebAppClassLoader.Context
Web Application Context Handler.

The WebAppContext handler is an extension of ContextHandler that coordinates the construction and configuration of nested handlers: ConstraintSecurityHandler, SessionHandler and ServletHandler. The handlers are configured by pluggable configuration classes, with the default being WebXmlConfiguration and JettyWebXmlConfiguration.

The Start/Configuration of a WebAppContext is rather complex so as to allow pluggable behaviour to be added in almost arbitrary ordering. The sequence of a WebappContext start is as follows:
