Interface HttpClientTransport

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractConnectorHttpClientTransport, AbstractHttpClientTransport, HttpClientTransportDynamic, HttpClientTransportOverFCGI, HttpClientTransportOverHTTP, HttpClientTransportOverHTTP2, HttpClientTransportOverHTTP3, HttpClientTransportOverUnixSockets

public interface HttpClientTransport extends ClientConnectionFactory
HttpClientTransport represents what transport implementations should provide in order to plug-in a different transport for HttpClient.

While the HttpClient APIs define the HTTP semantic (request, response, headers, etc.) how an HTTP exchange is carried over the network depends on implementations of this class.

The default implementation uses the HTTP protocol to carry over the network the HTTP exchange, but the HTTP exchange may also be carried using the FCGI protocol, the HTTP/2 protocol or, in future, other protocols.