Class CyclicTimeouts<T extends CyclicTimeouts.Expirable>

Type Parameters:
T - the CyclicTimeouts.Expirable entity type
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class CyclicTimeouts<T extends CyclicTimeouts.Expirable> extends Object implements Destroyable

An implementation of a timeout that manages many expirable entities whose timeouts are mostly cancelled or re-scheduled.

A typical scenario is for a parent entity to manage the timeouts of many children entities.

When a new entity is created, call schedule(Expirable) with the new entity so that this instance can be aware and manage the timeout of the new entity.

Eventually, this instance wakes up and iterates over the entities provided by iterator(). During the iteration, each entity:

When the iteration is complete, this instance is re-scheduled with the earliest expiration time calculated during the iteration.

See Also: