Class Request

All Implemented Interfaces:
jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, jakarta.servlet.ServletRequest

public class Request extends Object implements jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
Jetty Request.

Implements HttpServletRequest from the jakarta.servlet.http package.

The standard interface of mostly getters, is extended with setters so that the request is mutable by the handlers that it is passed to. This allows the request object to be as lightweight as possible and not actually implement any significant behavior. For example

A request instance is created for each connection accepted by the server and recycled for each HTTP request received via that connection. An effort is made to avoid reparsing headers and cookies that are likely to be the same for requests from the same connection.

Request instances are recycled, which combined with badly written asynchronous applications can result in calls on requests that have been reset. The code is written in a style to avoid NPE and ISE when such calls are made, as this has often proved generate exceptions that distraction from debugging such bad asynchronous applications. Instead, request methods attempt to not fail when called in an illegal state, so that hopefully the bad application will proceed to a major state event (eg calling AsyncContext.onComplete) which has better asynchronous guards, true atomic state and better failure behaviour that will assist in debugging.

The form content that a request can process is limited to protect from Denial of Service attacks. The size in bytes is limited by ContextHandler.getMaxFormContentSize() or if there is no context then the "org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request.maxFormContentSize" Server attribute. The number of parameters keys is limited by ContextHandler.getMaxFormKeys() or if there is no context then the "org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request.maxFormKeys" Server attribute.

If IOExceptions or timeouts occur while reading form parameters, these are thrown as unchecked Exceptions: ether RuntimeIOException, BadMessageException or RuntimeException as appropriate.