Class IOResources


public class IOResources extends Object
Common IO operations for Resource content.
  • Constructor Details

    • IOResources

      public IOResources()
  • Method Details

    • toRetainableByteBuffer

      public static RetainableByteBuffer toRetainableByteBuffer(Resource resource, ByteBufferPool bufferPool, boolean direct) throws IllegalArgumentException

      Reads the contents of a Resource into a RetainableByteBuffer.

      The resource must not be a directory, must exists and there must be a way to access its contents.

      Multiple optimized methods are used to access the resource's contents but if they all fail, Resource.newInputStream() is used as a fallback.

      resource - the resource to be read.
      bufferPool - the ByteBufferPool to get buffers from. null means allocate new buffers as needed.
      direct - the directness of the buffers.
      a RetainableByteBuffer containing the resource's contents.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the resource is a directory or does not exist or there is no way to access its contents.
    • asContentSource

      public static Content.Source asContentSource(Resource resource, ByteBufferPool bufferPool, int bufferSize, boolean direct) throws IllegalArgumentException

      Gets a Content.Source with the contents of a resource.

      The resource must not be a directory, must exists and there must be a way to access its contents.

      Multiple optimized methods are used to access the resource's contents but if they all fail, Resource.newInputStream() is used as a fallback.

      resource - the resource from which to get a Content.Source.
      bufferPool - the ByteBufferPool to get buffers from. null means allocate new buffers as needed.
      bufferSize - the size of the buffer to be used for the copy. Any value < 1 means use a default value.
      direct - the directness of the buffers, this parameter is ignored if bufferSize is < 1.
      the Content.Source.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the resource is a directory or does not exist or there is no way to access its contents.
    • asContentSource

      public static Content.Source asContentSource(Resource resource, ByteBufferPool bufferPool, int bufferSize, boolean direct, long first, long length) throws IllegalArgumentException

      Gets a Content.Source with a range of the contents of a resource.

      The resource must not be a directory, must exists and there must be a way to access its contents.

      Multiple optimized methods are used to access the resource's contents but if they all fail, Resource.newInputStream() is used as a fallback.

      resource - the resource from which to get a Content.Source.
      bufferPool - the ByteBufferPool to get buffers from. null means allocate new buffers as needed.
      bufferSize - the size of the buffer to be used for the copy. Any value < 1 means use a default value.
      direct - the directness of the buffers, this parameter is ignored if bufferSize is < 1.
      first - the first byte from which to read from.
      length - the length of the content to read.
      the Content.Source.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the resource is a directory or does not exist or there is no way to access its contents.
    • asInputStream

      public static InputStream asInputStream(Resource resource) throws IllegalArgumentException

      Gets an InputStream with the contents of a resource.

      The resource must not be a directory, must exist and must return non-null to Resource.newInputStream().

      resource - the resource from which to get an InputStream.
      the InputStream.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the resource is a directory or does not exist or Resource.newInputStream() returns null.
    • copy

      public static void copy(Resource resource, Content.Sink sink, ByteBufferPool bufferPool, int bufferSize, boolean direct, Callback callback) throws IllegalArgumentException

      Performs an asynchronous copy of the contents of a resource to a sink, using the given buffer pool and buffer characteristics.

      The resource must not be a directory, must exist and there must be a way to access its contents.

      Multiple optimized methods are used to access the resource's contents but if they all fail, asContentSource(Resource, ByteBufferPool, int, boolean) is used as a fallback to perform the copy.

      resource - the resource to copy from.
      sink - the sink to copy to.
      bufferPool - the ByteBufferPool to get buffers from. null means allocate new buffers as needed.
      bufferSize - the size of the buffer to be used for the copy. Any value < 1 means use a default value.
      direct - the directness of the buffers, this parameter is ignored if bufferSize is < 1.
      callback - the callback to notify when the copy is done.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the resource is a directory or does not exist or there is no way to access its contents.
    • copy

      public static void copy(Resource resource, Content.Sink sink, ByteBufferPool bufferPool, int bufferSize, boolean direct, long first, long length, Callback callback) throws IllegalArgumentException

      Performs an asynchronous copy of a subset of the contents of a resource to a sink, using the given buffer pool and buffer characteristics.

      The resource must not be a directory, must exist and there must be a way to access its contents.

      Multiple optimized methods are used to access the resource's contents but if they all fail, asContentSource(Resource, ByteBufferPool, int, boolean, long, long) is used as a fallback to perform the copy.

      resource - the resource to copy from.
      sink - the sink to copy to.
      bufferPool - the ByteBufferPool to get buffers from. null means allocate new buffers as needed.
      bufferSize - the size of the buffer to be used for the copy. Any value < 1 means use a default value.
      direct - the directness of the buffers, this parameter is ignored if bufferSize is < 1.
      first - the first byte of the resource to start from.
      length - the length of the resource's contents to copy.
      callback - the callback to notify when the copy is done.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the resource is a directory or does not exist or there is no way to access its contents.