Package org.eclipse.jetty.http
Interface HttpParser.ResponseHandler
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- Enclosing class:
- HttpParser
public static interface HttpParser.ResponseHandler extends HttpParser.HttpHandler
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
startResponse(HttpVersion version, int status, java.lang.String reason)
This is the method called by parser when the HTTP request line is parsed-
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpParser.HttpHandler
badMessage, badMessage, content, contentComplete, earlyEOF, getHeaderCacheSize, headerComplete, messageComplete, parsedHeader, parsedTrailer
Method Detail
boolean startResponse(HttpVersion version, int status, java.lang.String reason)
This is the method called by parser when the HTTP request line is parsed- Parameters:
- the http version in usestatus
- the response statusreason
- the response reason phrase- Returns:
- true if handling parsing should return