Class IStream.FrameList

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static class IStream.FrameList
    extends java.lang.Object

    An ordered list of frames belonging to the same stream.

    • Constructor Detail

      • FrameList

        public FrameList​(HeadersFrame headers)

        Creates a frame list of just the given HEADERS frame.

        headers - the HEADERS frame
      • FrameList

        public FrameList​(HeadersFrame headers,
                         DataFrame data,
                         HeadersFrame trailers)

        Creates a frame list of the given frames.

        headers - the HEADERS frame for the headers
        data - the DATA frame for the content, or null if there is no content
        trailers - the HEADERS frame for the trailers, or null if there are no trailers
    • Method Detail

      • getStreamId

        public int getStreamId()
        the stream ID of the frames in this list
      • getFrames

        public java.util.List<StreamFrame> getFrames()
        a List of non-null frames