Class HpackDecoder

  • public class HpackDecoder
    extends java.lang.Object
    Hpack Decoder

    This is not thread safe and may only be called by 1 thread at a time.

    • Constructor Detail

      • HpackDecoder

        public HpackDecoder​(int localMaxDynamicTableSize,
                            int maxHeaderSize)
      • HpackDecoder

        public HpackDecoder​(int maxHeaderSize)
        maxHeaderSize - The maximum allowed size of a decoded headers block, expressed as total of all name and value bytes, plus 32 bytes per field
    • Method Detail

      • getMaxTableCapacity

        public int getMaxTableCapacity()
      • setMaxTableCapacity

        public void setMaxTableCapacity​(int maxTableCapacity)

        Sets the limit for the capacity of the dynamic header table.

        This value acts as a limit for the values received from the remote peer via the HPACK dynamic table size update instruction.

        After calling this method, a SETTINGS frame must be sent to the other peer, containing the SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE setting with the value passed as argument to this method.

        maxTableCapacity - the limit for capacity of the dynamic header table
      • setLocalMaxDynamicTableSize

        public void setLocalMaxDynamicTableSize​(int maxTableSizeLimit)
        maxTableSizeLimit - the local dynamic table max size
      • getMaxHeaderListSize

        public int getMaxHeaderListSize()
      • setMaxHeaderListSize

        public void setMaxHeaderListSize​(int maxHeaderListSize)
      • toISO88591String

        public static java.lang.String toISO88591String​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer,
                                                        int length)
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object