Class JSTLBundleDiscoverer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JSTLBundleDiscoverer
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements TldBundleDiscoverer
    JSTLBundleDiscoverer Fix various shortcomings with the way jasper parses the tld files. Plugs the JSTL tlds assuming that they are packaged with the bundle that contains the JSTL classes.

    Pluggable tlds at the server level are handled by ContainerTldBundleDiscoverer.

    • Constructor Detail

      • JSTLBundleDiscoverer

        public JSTLBundleDiscoverer()
    • Method Detail

      • getUrlsForBundlesWithTlds

        public[] getUrlsForBundlesWithTlds​(DeploymentManager deployer,
                                                        BundleFileLocatorHelper locatorHelper)
                                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        The jasper TldScanner expects a URLClassloader to parse a jar for the /META-INF/*.tld it may contain. We place the bundles that we know contain such tag-libraries. Please note that it will work if and only if the bundle is a jar (!) Currently we just hardcode the bundle that contains the jstl implemenation. A workaround when the tld cannot be parsed with this method is to copy and paste it inside the WEB-INF of the webapplication where it is used. Support only 2 types of packaging for the bundle: - the bundle is a jar (recommended for runtime.) - the bundle is a folder and contain jars in the root and/or in the lib folder (nice for PDE development situations) Unsupported: the bundle is a jar that embeds more jars.
        Specified by:
        getUrlsForBundlesWithTlds in interface TldBundleDiscoverer
        deployer - The DeploymentManager instance to use
        locatorHelper - the BundleFileLocatorHelper instance to use
        array of URLs
        java.lang.Exception - In case of errors during resolving TLDs files