Class NullSessionCache

    • Constructor Detail

      • NullSessionCache

        public NullSessionCache​(SessionHandler handler)
        handler - The SessionHandler related to this SessionCache
    • Method Detail

      • shutdown

        public void shutdown()
      • doGet

        public Session doGet​(java.lang.String id)
        Description copied from class: AbstractSessionCache
        Get the session matching the key from the cache. Does not load the session.
        Specified by:
        doGet in class AbstractSessionCache
        id - session id
        the Session object matching the id
      • doPutIfAbsent

        public Session doPutIfAbsent​(java.lang.String id,
                                     Session session)
        Description copied from class: AbstractSessionCache
        Put the session into the map if it wasn't already there
        Specified by:
        doPutIfAbsent in class AbstractSessionCache
        id - the identity of the session
        session - the session object
        null if the session wasn't already in the map, or the existing entry otherwise
      • doReplace

        public boolean doReplace​(java.lang.String id,
                                 Session oldValue,
                                 Session newValue)
        Description copied from class: AbstractSessionCache
        Replace the mapping from id to oldValue with newValue
        Specified by:
        doReplace in class AbstractSessionCache
        id - the id
        oldValue - the old value
        newValue - the new value
        true if replacement was done
      • doDelete

        public Session doDelete​(java.lang.String id)
        Description copied from class: AbstractSessionCache
        Remove the session with this identity from the store
        Specified by:
        doDelete in class AbstractSessionCache
        id - the id
        Session that was removed or null
      • setEvictionPolicy

        public void setEvictionPolicy​(int evictionTimeout)
        Description copied from class: AbstractSessionCache
        -1 means we never evict inactive sessions. 0 means we evict a session after the last request for it exits >0 is the number of seconds after which we evict inactive sessions from the cache
        Specified by:
        setEvictionPolicy in interface SessionCache
        setEvictionPolicy in class AbstractSessionCache
        evictionTimeout - -1 is never evict; 0 is evict-on-exit; and any other positive value is the time in seconds that a session can be idle before it can be evicted.
        See Also:
      • doComputeIfAbsent

        protected Session doComputeIfAbsent​(java.lang.String id,
                                            java.util.function.Function<java.lang.String,​Session> mappingFunction)
        Description copied from class: AbstractSessionCache
        Compute the mappingFunction to create a Session object iff the session with the given id isn't already in the map, otherwise return the existing Session. This method is expected to have precisely the same behaviour as ConcurrentHashMap.computeIfAbsent(K, java.util.function.Function<? super K, ? extends V>)
        Specified by:
        doComputeIfAbsent in class AbstractSessionCache
        id - the session id
        mappingFunction - the function to load the data for the session
        an existing Session from the cache