Class HttpRedirector


public class HttpRedirector extends Object
Utility class that handles HTTP redirects.

Applications can disable redirection via Request.followRedirects(boolean) and then rely on this class to perform the redirect in a simpler way, for example:

 HttpRedirector redirector = new HttpRedirector(httpClient);

 Request request = httpClient.newRequest("http://host/path").followRedirects(false);
 ContentResponse response = request.send();
 while (redirector.isRedirect(response))
     // Validate the redirect URI
     if (!validate(redirector.extractRedirectURI(response)))

     Result result = redirector.redirect(request, response);
     request = result.getRequest();
     response = result.getResponse();
  • Constructor Details

    • HttpRedirector

      public HttpRedirector(HttpClient client)
  • Method Details

    • isRedirect

      public boolean isRedirect(Response response)
      response - the response to check for redirects
      whether the response code is an HTTP redirect code
    • redirect

      public Result redirect(Request request, Response response) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException
      Redirects the given response, blocking until the redirect is complete.
      request - the original request that triggered the redirect
      response - the response to the original request
      a Result object containing the request to the redirected location and its response
      InterruptedException - if the thread is interrupted while waiting for the redirect to complete
      ExecutionException - if the redirect failed
      See Also:
    • redirect

      public Request redirect(Request request, Response response, Response.CompleteListener listener)
      Redirects the given response asynchronously.
      request - the original request that triggered the redirect
      response - the response to the original request
      listener - the listener that receives response events
      the request to the redirected location
    • extractRedirectURI

      public URI extractRedirectURI(Response response)
      Extracts and sanitizes (by making it absolute and escaping paths and query parameters) the redirect URI of the given response.
      response - the response to extract the redirect URI from
      the absolute redirect URI, or null if the response does not contain a valid redirect location
    • fail

      protected void fail(Request request, Response response, Throwable failure)
    • fail

      protected void fail(Request request, Throwable failure, Response response)