Class AbstractConfiguration

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AnnotationConfiguration, CdiConfiguration, EnvConfiguration, FragmentConfiguration, JaasConfiguration, JakartaWebSocketConfiguration, JaspiConfiguration, JettyWebSocketConfiguration, JettyWebXmlConfiguration, JmxConfiguration, JndiConfiguration, JspConfiguration, MetaInfConfiguration, PlusConfiguration, QuickStartConfiguration, QuickStartGeneratorConfiguration, ServletsConfiguration, WebAppConfiguration, WebInfConfiguration, WebXmlConfiguration

public class AbstractConfiguration extends Object implements Configuration
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getDependents

      public Collection<String> getDependents()
      Description copied from interface: Configuration
      Get known Configuration Dependents.
      Specified by:
      getDependents in interface Configuration
      The names of Configurations that TopologicalSort must order after this configuration.
    • getDependencies

      public Collection<String> getDependencies()
      Description copied from interface: Configuration
      Get known Configuration Dependencies.
      Specified by:
      getDependencies in interface Configuration
      The names of Configurations that TopologicalSort must order before this configuration.
    • getProtectedClasses

      public ClassMatcher getProtectedClasses()
      Description copied from interface: Configuration
      Get the system (protected) classes associated with this Configuration.
      Specified by:
      getProtectedClasses in interface Configuration
      ClassMatcher of system classes.
    • getHiddenClasses

      public ClassMatcher getHiddenClasses()
      Description copied from interface: Configuration
      Get the server (hidden) classes associated with this Configuration.
      Specified by:
      getHiddenClasses in interface Configuration
      ClassMatcher of server classes.
    • preConfigure

      public void preConfigure(WebAppContext context) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: Configuration
      Set up for configuration.

      Typically this step discovers configuration resources. Calls to preConfigure may alter the Configurations configured on the WebAppContext, so long as configurations prior to this configuration are not altered.

      Specified by:
      preConfigure in interface Configuration
      context - The context to configure
      Exception - if unable to pre configure
    • configure

      public void configure(WebAppContext context) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: Configuration
      Configure WebApp.

      Typically this step applies the discovered configuration resources to either the WebAppContext or the associated MetaData.

      Specified by:
      configure in interface Configuration
      context - The context to configure
      Exception - if unable to configure
    • postConfigure

      public void postConfigure(WebAppContext context) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: Configuration
      Clear down after configuration.
      Specified by:
      postConfigure in interface Configuration
      context - The context to configure
      Exception - if unable to post configure
    • deconfigure

      public void deconfigure(WebAppContext context) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: Configuration
      DeConfigure WebApp. This method is called to undo all configuration done. This is called to allow the context to work correctly over a stop/start cycle
      Specified by:
      deconfigure in interface Configuration
      context - The context to configure
      Exception - if unable to deconfigure
    • destroy

      public void destroy(WebAppContext context) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: Configuration
      Destroy WebApp. This method is called to destroy a webappcontext. It is typically called when a context is removed from a server handler hierarchy by the deployer.
      Specified by:
      destroy in interface Configuration
      context - The context to configure
      Exception - if unable to destroy
    • isEnabledByDefault

      public boolean isEnabledByDefault()
      Specified by:
      isEnabledByDefault in interface Configuration
      true if configuration is enabled by default
    • abort

      public boolean abort(WebAppContext context)
      Specified by:
      abort in interface Configuration
      true if configuration should be aborted