Interface Connection.UpgradeTo

All Known Implementing Classes:
ConnectHandler.DownstreamConnection, DecoderStreamConnection, EncoderStreamConnection, HTTP2Connection, HTTP2ServerConnection, HttpConnection, InstructionStreamConnection, SslConnection, WebSocketConnection
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Connection.UpgradeTo

Connection implementations implement this interface when they can be upgraded to the protocol they speak (e.g. HTTP/2) from a different protocol (e.g. HTTP/1.1).

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Invoked during an upgrade to receive a buffer containing bytes that have not been consumed by the upgrade-from connection, and that must be consumed by this connection.
  • Method Details

    • onUpgradeTo

      void onUpgradeTo(ByteBuffer buffer)

      Invoked during an upgrade to receive a buffer containing bytes that have not been consumed by the upgrade-from connection, and that must be consumed by this connection.

      buffer - a non-null buffer of unconsumed bytes received from the upgrade-from connection. The buffer does not belong to any pool and should be discarded after having consumed its bytes.