Package org.eclipse.jetty.osgi
package org.eclipse.jetty.osgi
ClassDescriptionAbstractContextProviderBundleContextProviderBundleProvider Jetty DeploymentManager Provider api for webapps or ContextHandlers that are discovered as osgi bundles.BundleWebAppProviderJettyBootstrapActivatorJettyServerFactory Configures a jetty Server instance.LibExtClassLoaderHelperIFilesInJettyHomeResourcesProcessor Interface for callback implsOSGiApp Base class representing info about a WebAppContext/ContextHandler to be deployed into jetty.OSGiDeployer Extension of standard Jetty deployer that emits OSGi EventAdmin events whenever a webapp is deployed into OSGi via Jetty.OSGiServerConstants Name of the properties that configure a jetty Server OSGi service.OSGiUndeployer Extension of the Jetty Undeployer which emits OSGi EventAdmin events whenever a webapp is undeployed from Jetty.OSGiWebappConstants Constants (MANIFEST headers, service properties etc) associated with deploying webapps into OSGi via Jetty.