Class URIUtil


public final class URIUtil extends Object
URI Utility methods.

This class assists with the decoding and encoding or HTTP URI's. It differs from the class as it does not provide communications ability, but it does assist with query string formatting.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final int UNDEFINED_PORT
      Port number indicating that the port is undefined.

      This is the same value as used in URL and URI classes.

      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • encodePath

      public static String encodePath(String path)
      Encode a URI path. This is the same encoding offered by URLEncoder, except that the '/' character is not encoded.
      path - The path to encode
      The encoded path
    • encodeSpecific

      public static String encodeSpecific(String str, String charsToEncode)
      Encode a raw String and convert any specific characters to their URI encoded equivalent.
      str - input raw string
      charsToEncode - the list of raw characters that need to be encoded (if encountered)
      output with specified characters encoded.
    • decodeSpecific

      public static String decodeSpecific(String str, String charsToDecode)
      Decode a raw String and convert any specific URI encoded sequences into characters.
      str - input raw string
      charsToDecode - the list of raw characters that need to be decoded (if encountered), leaving all the other encoded sequences alone.
      output with specified characters decoded.
    • encodeString

      public static StringBuilder encodeString(StringBuilder buf, String path, String encode)
      Encode a URI path.
      path - The path to encode
      buf - StringBuilder to encode path into (or null)
      encode - String of characters to encode. '%' is always encoded.
      The StringBuilder or null if no substitutions required.
    • decodePath

      public static String decodePath(String path)
      Decodes a percent-encoded URI path (assuming UTF-8 characters) and strips path parameters.
      path - The URI path to decode
      See Also:
    • decodePath

      public static String decodePath(String path, int offset, int length)
      Decodes a percent-encoded URI path (assuming UTF-8 characters) and strips path parameters.
      path - A String holding the URI path to decode
      offset - The start of the URI within the path string
      length - The length of the URI within the path string
      See Also:
    • isPathValid

      public static boolean isPathValid(String path)
      path - The path to check for validity
      True if the path does not contain any invalid path characters
    • isRelative

      public static boolean isRelative(String uriOrPath)
      Test if a string is a relative path or a URI
      uriOrPath - A string that is either a path, a URI path segment or an absolute URI
      True if the string does not start with any absolute URI or file characters sequences.
    • canonicalPath

      public static String canonicalPath(String encodedPath)
      Canonicalize a URI path to a form that is unambiguous and safe to use with the JVM URI class.

      Decode only the safe characters in a URI path and strip parameters of UTF-8 path. Safe characters are ones that are not special delimiters and that can be passed to the JVM URI class. Unsafe characters, other than '/' will be encoded. Encodings will be uppercase hex. Canonical paths are also normalized and may be used in string comparisons with other canonical paths.

      For example the path /fo %2fo/b%61r will be normalized to /fo%20%2Fo/bar, whilst decodePath(String) would result in the ambiguous and URI illegal /fo /o/bar.

      encodedPath - An encoded URI path
      the canonical path or null if it is non-normal
      See Also:
    • canonicalPath

      public static <X extends Throwable> String canonicalPath(String encodedPath, Supplier<X> onBadUtf8) throws X
      Canonicalize a URI path to a form that is unambiguous and safe to use with the JVM URI class.

      Decode only the safe characters in a URI path and strip parameters of UTF-8 path. Safe characters are ones that are not special delimiters and that can be passed to the JVM URI class. Unsafe characters, other than '/' will be encoded. Encodings will be uppercase hex. Canonical paths are also normalized and may be used in string comparisons with other canonical paths.

      For example the path /fo %2fo/b%61r will be normalized to /fo%20%2Fo/bar, whilst decodePath(String) would result in the ambiguous and URI illegal /fo /o/bar.

      encodedPath - An encoded URI path
      onBadUtf8 - A supplier of exceptions if bad UTF8 is encountered, or null for no exception thrown.
      the canonical path or null if it is non-normal
      X extends Throwable
      See Also:
    • addEncodedPaths

      public static String addEncodedPaths(String p1, String p2)
      Add two encoded URI path segments. Handles null and empty paths, path and query params (e.g. ?a=b or ;JSESSIONID=xxx) and avoids duplicate '/'
      p1 - URI path segment (should be encoded)
      p2 - URI path segment (should be encoded)
      Legally combined path segments.
    • addPaths

      public static String addPaths(String p1, String p2)
      Add two Decoded URI path segments.

      Handles null and empty paths. Path and query params (e.g. ?a=b or ;JSESSIONID=xxx) are not handled

      p1 - URI path segment (should be decoded)
      p2 - URI path segment (should be decoded)
      Legally combined path segments.
    • addPathQuery

      public static String addPathQuery(String path, String query)
      Add a path and a query string
      path - The path which may already contain a query
      query - The query string to add (if blank, no query is added)
      The path with any non-blank query added after a '?' or '&amp;' as appropriate.
    • getUriLastPathSegment

      public static String getUriLastPathSegment(URI uri)
      Given a URI, attempt to get the last segment.

      If this is a jar:file:// style URI, then the JAR filename is returned (not the deep !/path location)

      uri - the URI to look in
      the last segment.
    • parentPath

      public static String parentPath(String p)
      Return the parent Path.

      Treat a URI like a directory path and return the parent directory.

      p - the path to return a parent reference to
      the parent path of the URI
    • normalizePathQuery

      public static String normalizePathQuery(String pathQuery)

      Normalize a URI path and query by factoring out all segments of '.' and '..' up until any query or fragment. Null is returned if the path is normalized above its root.

      pathQuery - the encoded URI from the path onwards, which may contain query strings and/or fragments
      the normalized path, or null if path traversal above root.
      See Also:
    • isNotNormalWithinSelf

      public static boolean isNotNormalWithinSelf(String path)

      Check if a path would be normalized within itself. For example, /foo/../../bar is normalized above its root and would thus return false, whilst /foo/./bar/.. is normal within itself and would return true.

      path - The path to check
      True if the normal form of the path is within the root of the path.
    • normalizePath

      public static String normalizePath(String path)

      Normalize a URI path by factoring out all segments of . and ... Null is returned if the path is normalized above its root.

      path - the decoded URI path to convert. Any special characters (e.g. ?, #) are assumed to be part of the path segments.
      the normalized path, or null if path traversal above root.
      See Also:
    • compactPath

      public static String compactPath(String path)
      Convert a path to a compact form. All instances of // and /// etc. are factored out to single /
      path - the path to compact
      the compacted path
    • hasScheme

      public static boolean hasScheme(String uri)
      uri - URI
      True if the uri has a scheme
    • isValidHostRegisteredName

      public static boolean isValidHostRegisteredName(String token)
      True if token is a RFC3986 reg-name (Registered Name)
      token - the to test
      true if the token passes as a valid Host Registered Name
    • newURI

      public static String newURI(String scheme, String server, int port)
      Create a new URI from the arguments, handling IPv6 host encoding and default ports
      scheme - the URI scheme
      server - the URI server
      port - the URI port
      A String URI
    • newURI

      public static String newURI(String scheme, String server, int port, String path, String query)
      Create a new URI from the arguments, handling IPv6 host encoding and default ports
      scheme - the URI scheme
      server - the URI server
      port - the URI port
      path - the URI path
      query - the URI query
      A String URI
    • newURI

      public static String newURI(String scheme, String server, int port, String path, String query, String fragment)
      Create a new URI from the arguments, handling IPv6 host encoding and default ports
      scheme - the URI scheme
      server - the URI server
      port - the URI port
      path - the URI path
      query - the URI query
      fragment - the URI fragment
      A String URI
    • newURIBuilder

      public static StringBuilder newURIBuilder(String scheme, String server, int port)
      Create a new URI StringBuilder from the arguments, handling IPv6 host encoding and default ports
      scheme - the URI scheme
      server - the URI server
      port - the URI port
      a StringBuilder containing URI prefix
    • appendSchemeHostPort

      public static void appendSchemeHostPort(StringBuilder url, String scheme, String server, int port)
      Append scheme, host and port URI prefix, handling IPv6 address encoding and default ports
      url - StringBuilder to append to
      scheme - the URI scheme
      server - the URI server
      port - the URI port
    • appendSchemeHostPort

      @Deprecated public static void appendSchemeHostPort(StringBuffer url, String scheme, String server, int port)
      Append scheme, host and port URI prefix, handling IPv6 address encoding and default ports
      url - StringBuffer to append to
      scheme - the URI scheme
      server - the URI server
      port - the URI port
    • encodePathSafeEncoding

      public static String encodePathSafeEncoding(String path)
      Encode characters in a path to ensure they only contain safe encodings suitable for both URI and Paths.get(URI) usage.
      path - the path to encode
      the returned path with only safe encodings
    • addPath

      public static URI addPath(URI uri, String path)
      Add a sub path to an existing URI.
      uri - A URI to add the path to
      path - A safe path element
      URI with path added.
      See Also:
    • addQueries

      public static String addQueries(String query1, String query2)
      Combine two query strings into one. Each query string should not contain the beginning '?' character, but may contain multiple parameters separated by the '&' character.
      query1 - the first query string.
      query2 - the second query string.
      the combination of the two query strings.
    • correctFileURI

      @Deprecated(since="12.0.7", forRemoval=true) public static URI correctFileURI(URI uri)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      use correctURI(URI) instead, will be removed in Jetty 12.1.0

      Corrects any bad file based URIs (even within a jar:file: based URIs) from the bad out-of-spec format that various older Java APIs creates (most notably: File creates with it's File.toURL() and File.toURI(), along with the side effects of using URL.toURI())

      This correction is limited to only the file:/ substring in the URI. If there is a file:/<not-a-slash> detected, that substring is corrected to file:///<not-a-slash>, all other uses of file:, and URIs without a file: substring are left alone.

      Note that Windows UNC based URIs are left alone, along with non-absolute URIs.

      uri - the URI to (possibly) correct
      the new URI with the file:/ substring corrected, or the original URI.
    • correctURI

      public static URI correctURI(URI uri)

      Corrects any bad file based URIs (even within a jar:file: based URIs) from the bad out-of-spec format that various older Java APIs creates (most notably: File creates with it's File.toURL() and File.toURI(), along with the side effects of using URL.toURI())

      This correction is currently limited to only the file:/ substring in the URI. If there is a file:/<not-a-slash> detected, that substring is corrected to file:///<not-a-slash>, all other uses of file:, and URIs without a file: substring are left alone.

      Note that Windows UNC based URIs are left alone, along with non-absolute URIs.

      uri - the URI to (possibly) correct
      the new URI with the file: scheme specific part corrected, or the original URI.
    • split

      @Deprecated(since="12.0.8", forRemoval=true) public static List<URI> split(String str)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Split a string of references, that may be split with ',', or ';', or '|' into URIs.

      Each part of the input string could be path references (unix or windows style), or string URI references.

      If the result of processing the input segment is a java archive, then its resulting URI will be a mountable URI as jar:file:...!/

      str - the input string of references
      See Also:
    • toJarFileUri

      public static URI toJarFileUri(URI uri)

      Take an arbitrary URI and provide a URI that is suitable for mounting the URI as a Java FileSystem.

      The resulting URI will point to the jar:file://foo.jar!/ said Java Archive (jar, war, or zip)

      uri - the URI to mutate to a jar:file:... URI.
      the jar:${uri_to_java_archive}!/${internal-reference} URI or the unchanged URI if not a Java Archive.
      See Also:
    • toURI

      @Deprecated(since="12.0.8") public static URI toURI(String resource)
      This method is currently resolving relative paths against the current directory, which is a mechanism that should be implemented by a ResourceFactory. All calls to this method need to be reviewed.

      Convert a String into a URI suitable for use as a Resource.

      resource - If the string starts with one of the ALLOWED_SCHEMES, then it is assumed to be a representation of a URI, otherwise it is treated as a Path.
      The URI form of the resource.
    • unwrapContainer

      public static URI unwrapContainer(URI uri)

      Unwrap a URI to expose its container path reference.

      Take out the container archive name URI from a jar:file:${container-name}!/ URI.

      uri - the input URI
      the container String if a jar scheme, or just the URI untouched.
    • uriJarPrefix

      public static URI uriJarPrefix(URI uri, String encodedSuffix)
      Take a URI and add a deep reference jar:file://foo.jar!/suffix, replacing any existing deep reference on the input URI.
      uri - the input URI (supporting jar or file based schemes
      encodedSuffix - the suffix to set. Must start with !/. Must be properly URI encoded.
      the jar:file: based URI with a deep reference
    • streamOf

      public static Stream<URI> streamOf(URLClassLoader urlClassLoader)
      Stream the URLClassLoader.getURLs() as URIs
      urlClassLoader - the classloader to load from
      the Stream of URI
    • getDefaultPortForScheme

      public static int getDefaultPortForScheme(String scheme)
      Get the default port for some well known schemes
      scheme - The scheme
      The default port or -1 if not known
    • normalizeScheme

      public static String normalizeScheme(String scheme)
      Normalize the scheme
      scheme - The scheme to normalize
      The normalized version of the scheme
    • normalizePortForScheme

      public static int normalizePortForScheme(String scheme, int port)
      Normalize a port for a given scheme
      scheme - The scheme
      port - The port to normalize
      The port number or 0 if provided port was less than 0 or was equal to the default port for the scheme