Interface Session.Listener

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Session.Listener.Abstract, Session.Listener.AbstractAutoDemanding
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Session.Listener

The passive link of communication with a remote WebSocket endpoint.

Applications provide WebSocket endpoints that implement this interface to receive WebSocket events from the remote peer, and can use Session for configuration and to send WebSocket frames or messages to the other peer.

  • Method Details

    • onWebSocketOpen

      default void onWebSocketOpen(Session session)

      A WebSocket Session has opened successfully and is ready to be used.

      Applications can store the given Session as a field so it can be used to send messages back to the other peer.

      session - the WebSocket session
    • onWebSocketFrame

      default void onWebSocketFrame(Frame frame, Callback callback)

      A WebSocket frame has been received.

      The received frames may be control frames such as PING, PONG or CLOSE, or data frames either BINARY or TEXT.

      frame - the received frame
    • onWebSocketPing

      default void onWebSocketPing(ByteBuffer payload)

      A WebSocket PING frame has been received.

      payload - the PING payload
    • onWebSocketPong

      default void onWebSocketPong(ByteBuffer payload)

      A WebSocket PONG frame has been received.

      payload - the PONG payload
    • onWebSocketPartialBinary

      default void onWebSocketPartialBinary(ByteBuffer payload, boolean last, Callback callback)

      A WebSocket BINARY (or associated CONTINUATION) frame has been received.

      The ByteBuffer is read-only, and will be recycled when the callback is completed.

      payload - the BINARY frame payload
      last - whether this is the last frame
      callback - the callback to complete when the payload has been processed
    • onWebSocketPartialText

      default void onWebSocketPartialText(String payload, boolean last)

      A WebSocket TEXT (or associated CONTINUATION) frame has been received.

      payload - the text message payload

      Note that due to framing, there is a above average chance of any UTF8 sequences being split on the border between two frames will result in either the previous frame, or the next frame having an invalid UTF8 sequence, but the combined frames having a valid UTF8 sequence.

      The String being provided here will not end in a split UTF8 sequence. Instead this partial sequence will be held over until the next frame is received.

      last - whether this is the last frame
    • onWebSocketBinary

      default void onWebSocketBinary(ByteBuffer payload, Callback callback)

      A WebSocket BINARY message has been received.

      payload - the raw payload array received
    • onWebSocketText

      default void onWebSocketText(String message)

      A WebSocket TEXT message has been received.

      message - the text payload
    • onWebSocketError

      default void onWebSocketError(Throwable cause)

      A WebSocket error has occurred during the processing of WebSocket frames.

      Usually errors occurs from bad or malformed incoming packets, for example text frames that do not contain UTF-8 bytes, frames that are too big, or other violations of the WebSocket specification.

      The WebSocket Session will be closed, but applications may explicitly close the Session providing a different status code or reason.

      cause - the error that occurred
    • onWebSocketClose

      default void onWebSocketClose(int statusCode, String reason)

      The WebSocket Session has been closed.

      statusCode - the close status code
      reason - the optional reason for the close