Interface Response.AsyncContentListener

All Superinterfaces:
EventListener, Response.ContentSourceListener, Response.ResponseListener
All Known Subinterfaces:
Response.ContentListener, Response.Listener
All Known Implementing Classes:
AsyncMiddleManServlet.ProxyResponseListener, BufferingResponseListener, CompletableResponseListener, ContinueProtocolHandler.ContinueListener, FutureResponseListener, InputStreamResponseListener, ProxyHandler.ProxyResponseListener, ProxyServlet.ProxyResponseListener, RedirectProtocolHandler
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Response.AsyncContentListener extends Response.ContentSourceListener
Asynchronous listener for the response content events.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    onContent(Response response, Content.Chunk chunk, Runnable demander)
    Callback method invoked when the response content has been received, parsed and there is demand.
    default void
    onContentSource(Response response, Content.Source contentSource)
    Callback method invoked when all the response headers have been received and parsed.
  • Method Details

    • onContent

      void onContent(Response response, Content.Chunk chunk, Runnable demander) throws Exception
      Callback method invoked when the response content has been received, parsed and there is demand. The chunk must be consumed, copied, or retained before returning from this method as it is then automatically released. The demander must be run before this method may be invoked again.
      response - the response containing the response line data and the headers
      chunk - the chunk received
      demander - the runnable to be run to demand the next chunk
      Exception - an uncaught exception will abort the response, release the chunk and fail the content source from which the chunk was read from
    • onContentSource

      default void onContentSource(Response response, Content.Source contentSource)
      Description copied from interface: Response.ContentSourceListener
      Callback method invoked when all the response headers have been received and parsed. It is responsible for driving the contentSource instance with a read/demand loop. Note that this is not invoked for interim statuses.
      Specified by:
      onContentSource in interface Response.ContentSourceListener
      response - the response containing the response line data and the headers
      contentSource - the Content.Source that must be driven to read the data