Interface Container

All Known Subinterfaces:
Connector, NetworkConnector
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractConnectionFactory, AbstractConnectionPool, AbstractConnector, AbstractConnectorHttpClientTransport, AbstractHandler, AbstractHandlerContainer, AbstractHTTP2ServerConnectionFactory, AbstractHTTP3ServerConnectionFactory, AbstractHttpClientTransport, AbstractLoginService, AbstractNetworkConnector, AbstractSessionCache, AbstractSessionDataStore, AbstractSessionManager, AdaptiveExecutionStrategy, ALPNServerConnectionFactory, AttributeContainerMap, BufferedResponseHandler, CachingSessionDataStore, ClientConnectionFactory.Info, ClientConnectionFactoryOverHTTP2, ClientConnectionFactoryOverHTTP2.HTTP2, ClientConnectionFactoryOverHTTP3, ClientConnectionFactoryOverHTTP3.HTTP3, ClientConnector, ClientConnector.ClientSelectorManager, ClientConnector.Configurator, ClientHTTP3Session, ClientProtocolSession, ClientQuicConfiguration, ClientQuicSession, CompressionPool, ConditionalHandler, ConditionalHandler.Abstract, ConditionalHandler.DontHandle, ConditionalHandler.ElseNext, ConditionalHandler.Reject, ConditionalHandler.SkipNext, ConnectHandler, ConnectHandler.ConnectManager, ConstraintSecurityHandler, ContainerLifeCycle, ContextHandler, ContextHandlerCollection, ContextProvider, CrossOriginHandler, CustomRequestLog, DataSourceLoginService, DebugHandler, DefaultHandler, DefaultSessionCache, DefaultSessionIdManager, DeflaterPool, DelayedHandler, DelegatingThreadPool, DeploymentManager, DetectorConnectionFactory, DuplexConnectionPool, EagerFormHandler, EatWhatYouKill, EventsHandler, ExecutorThreadPool, FastCGIProxyHandler, FileSessionDataStore, GracefulHandler, GzipHandler, Handler.Abstract, Handler.Abstract.NonBlocking, Handler.AbstractContainer, Handler.Sequence, Handler.Wrapper, HashLoginService, HotSwapHandler, HTTP2Client, HTTP2ClientSession, HTTP2CServerConnectionFactory, HTTP2ServerConnectionFactory, HTTP2ServerSession, HTTP2Session, HTTP3Client, HTTP3ServerConnectionFactory, HTTP3ServerConnector, HTTP3Session, HTTP3SessionClient, HttpClient, HttpClientTransportDynamic, HttpClientTransportOverFCGI, HttpClientTransportOverHTTP, HttpClientTransportOverHTTP2, HttpClientTransportOverHTTP3, HttpConnectionFactory, HttpDestination, HttpSpiContextHandler, IdleTimeoutHandler, InetAccessHandler, InflaterPool, JAASLoginService, JakartaWebSocketClientContainer, JakartaWebSocketContainer, JakartaWebSocketServerContainer, JDBCLoginService, JDBCSessionDataStore, JettyServerFrameHandlerFactory, JettyWebSocketFrameHandlerFactory, JettyWebSocketServerContainer, KeyStoreScanner, LatencyRecordingHandler, LocalConnector, LowResourceMonitor, ManagedSelector, MemoryConnector, MonitoredQueuedThreadPool, MovedContextHandler, MultiplexConnectionPool, NegotiatingServerConnectionFactory, NetworkTrafficServerConnector, NullSessionCache, NullSessionDataStore, ObjectStreamSessionDataStore, OpenIdConfiguration, OpenIdLoginService, OptionalSslConnectionFactory, PathMappingsHandler, PropertyUserStore, ProtocolSession, ProxyConnectionFactory, ProxyHandler, ProxyHandler.Forward, ProxyHandler.Reverse, QoSHandler, QueuedThreadPool, QuicClientConnectorConfigurator, QuicConfiguration, QuicServerConnectionFactory, QuicServerConnector, QuicSession, RandomConnectionPool, RawHTTP2ServerConnectionFactory, RawHTTP3ServerConnectionFactory, ReservedThreadExecutor, ResourceHandler, ResourceHandler.ResourceContext, RewriteHandler, RoundRobinConnectionPool, Scanner, ScanningAppProvider, SecuredRedirectHandler, SecurityHandler, SecurityHandler.PathMapped, SelectorManager, Server, ServerConnector, ServerConnector.ServerConnectorManager, ServerFCGIConnectionFactory, ServerFrameHandlerFactory, ServerProtocolSession, ServerQuicConfiguration, ServerQuicSession, ServerWebSocketContainer, ServletContextHandler, ServletContextHandler.ServletContainerInitializerStarter, ServletHandler, ServletTester, SessionHandler, SessionHandler, ShutdownHandler, SizeLimitHandler, SPNEGOLoginService, SslConnectionFactory, SslContextFactory, SslContextFactory.Client, SslContextFactory.Server, StateTrackingHandler, StatisticsHandler, StatisticsHandler.MinimumDataRateHandler, ThreadLimitHandler, TryPathsHandler, UnixDomainServerConnector, UnixDomainServerConnector.UnixDomainSelectorManager, UserStore, ValidatingConnectionPool, VirtualThreadPool, WebAppContext, WebSocketClient, WebSocketComponents, WebSocketCoreClient, WebSocketServerComponents, WebSocketUpgradeHandler, WebSocketUpgradeHandler

public interface Container
A Container
  • Method Details

    • addBean

      boolean addBean(Object o)
      Add a bean. If the bean is-a EventListener, then also do an implicit addEventListener(EventListener).
      o - the bean object to add
      true if the bean was added, false if it was already present
    • addBean

      boolean addBean(Object o, boolean managed)
      Adds the given bean, explicitly managing it or not. If the bean is-a EventListener, then also do an implicit addEventListener(EventListener).
      o - The bean object to add
      managed - whether to managed the lifecycle of the bean
      true if the bean was added, false if it was already present
    • getBeans

      Collection<Object> getBeans()
      the collection of beans known to this aggregate, in the order they were added.
    • getBeans

      <T> Collection<T> getBeans(Class<T> clazz)
      Type Parameters:
      T - the Bean type
      clazz - the class of the beans
      a list of beans of the given class (or subclass), in the order they were added.
      See Also:
    • getCachedBeans

      default <T> Collection<T> getCachedBeans(Class<T> clazz)
      Type Parameters:
      T - the Bean type
      clazz - the class of the beans
      a list of beans of the given class (or subclass), which may be cached/shared.
      See Also:
    • getBean

      <T> T getBean(Class<T> clazz)
      Type Parameters:
      T - the Bean type
      clazz - the class of the bean
      the first bean (in order added) of a specific class (or subclass), or null if no such bean exist
    • removeBean

      boolean removeBean(Object o)
      Removes the given bean. If the bean is-a EventListener, then also do an implicit removeEventListener(EventListener).
      o - the bean to remove
      whether the bean was removed
    • addEventListener

      boolean addEventListener(EventListener listener)
      Add an event listener. EventListeners added by this method are also added as beans.
      listener - the listener to add
      true if the listener was added
      See Also:
    • removeEventListener

      boolean removeEventListener(EventListener listener)
      Remove an event listener.
      listener - the listener to remove
      true if the listener was removed
      See Also:
    • unmanage

      void unmanage(Object bean)
      Unmanages a bean already contained by this aggregate, so that it is not started/stopped/destroyed with this aggregate.
      bean - The bean to unmanage (must already have been added).
    • manage

      void manage(Object bean)
      Manages a bean already contained by this aggregate, so that it is started/stopped/destroyed with this aggregate.
      bean - The bean to manage (must already have been added).
    • isManaged

      boolean isManaged(Object bean)
      Test if this container manages a bean
      bean - the bean to test
      whether this aggregate contains and manages the bean
    • getContainedBeans

      <T> Collection<T> getContainedBeans(Class<T> clazz)
      Type Parameters:
      T - the Bean type
      clazz - the class of the beans
      the list of beans of the given class from the entire Container hierarchy. The order is by depth first and then the order beans were added.
    • getEventListeners

      default List<EventListener> getEventListeners()
      Get the beans added to the container that are EventListeners. This is essentially equivalent to getBeans(EventListener.class);, except that:
      • The result may be precomputed, so it can be more efficient
      • The result is ordered by the order added.
      • The result is immutable.
      An unmodifiable list of EventListener beans
      See Also:
    • addBean

      static boolean addBean(Object parent, Object child)
      A utility method to add a bean to a container.
      parent - the parent container.
      child - the child bean.
      true if the child was added as a bean, false if parent was not instance of Container or bean was already present.
    • addBean

      static boolean addBean(Object parent, Object child, boolean managed)
      A utility method to add a bean to a container.
      parent - the parent container.
      child - the child bean.
      managed - whether to managed the lifecycle of the bean.
      true if the child was added as a bean, false if parent was not instance of Container or bean was already present.
    • unmanage

      static void unmanage(Object parent, Object child)
      A utility method to unmanage a bean from a container.
      parent - the parent container
      child - the child bean
    • removeBean

      static boolean removeBean(Object parent, Object child)
      A utility method to remove a bean from a container.
      parent - the parent container.
      child - the child bean.
      true if parent was an instance of Container and the bean was removed.